
Listen to audio from recent Center webinars and audio from presentations at recent conferences.

Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 06/14/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Accompanying Parents as They Raise and Educate Children

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show with Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the accompaniment of parents as they raise and educate their children in Called to the Joy of Love. The parents are considered the primary educators of the children with the assistance of the godparents from the sacrament of baptism. The education of the children in the Faith needs to begin within the home, day in and day out. The Church’s role is to assist and accompany the parents. The USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 06/07/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Accompanying Couples Who are Separated or Divorced

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show with Sacred Heart Radio, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses couples who are separated or divorced in Called to the Joy of Love and the need for the whole community to accompany them. The USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 05/31/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Accompanying Married Couples in Crisis

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses accompaniment of Married Couples in Crisis through each unique situation with both spiritual and professional counseling resources. The USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 05/24/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Accompanying Married Couples in the Early Years of Marriage

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the need to accompany newly married couples through the early years of marriage and the need to draw upon the graces of the sacrament. The USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 05/17/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Accompaniment Through Marriage Preparation in Called to the Joy of Love

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses accompaniment through marriage preparation and the importance of formation and education surrounding marriage and family life in the USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love. Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 05/10/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Prayerful Formation for Marriage

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the first pillar of the USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love: Prayer and Relationship with Christ. Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 05/03/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Prayer and Relationship with Christ in Called to the Joy of Love

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the first pillar of the USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love: Prayer and Relationship with Christ. Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 04/19/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Called to the Joy of Love

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the USCCB document, Called to the Joy of Love, the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry, which came out in 2021 and is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical Amoris Laetitia addressing the pastoral care of families, following the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 04/05/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on the Sacred Paschal Triduum

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the Sacred Paschal Triduum, the three most solemn, holiest days of the Church year, beginning on Holy Thursday, continuing with Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, and concluding with Evening Prayer II on Easter Sunday. Fr. Frank discusses the liturgies of the triduum, including: the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the Commemoration of the Passion of the Lord, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 03/15/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on the Charity of the Knights of Columbus

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the global Catholic fraternal organization, founded by Blessed Michael McGivney in 1882, the Knights of Columbus, in which Catholic men, lay and religious, can become members and put their faith into action through fraternal events, faith based events, and charitable works in the parish or in the larger communities. Fr. Frank emphasizes how Knights are called to be evangelizers, particularly through the foundational principal of charity.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 03/01/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on a Deeper Conversion to Our Lord through Lent through Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the traditional Lenten practices that the Catholic Church encourages its members to do: prayer, how we communicate with God; fasting, ridding of the things that are not aligned with Christ; and almsgiving, how we show love of neighbor. These disciplines, taken up from the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday until its conclusion at Easter, are a means by which an individual deepens their conversion to Christ by focusing their attention on God and on neighbor.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 02/15/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Ecclesia in America and the Laity’s Role in Evangelization

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. concludes the series on Saint John Paul II’s 1999 apostolic exhortation, Ecclesia in America, addressing the Church in the Americas. Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the sixth chapter about “the new evangelization” and how lay people are especially called to proclaim “the Good News,” calling others to a deeper encounter with Christ.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 02/01/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Ecclesia in America and Solidarity and Social Sins

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. continues the series on Saint John Paul II’s 1999 apostolic exhortation, Ecclesia in America, addressing the Church in the Americas. Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the fifth chapter about “the path to solidarity” and how social sins and the culture of death are contrary to the Gospel.

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Catholic Apostolate Center Catholic Apostolate Center

Son Rise Morning Show 01/18/2023: Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Ecclesia in America and the Role of the Laity

In this segment from the Son Rise Morning Show, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. continues the series on Saint John Paul II’s 1999 apostolic exhortation, Ecclesia in America, addressing the Church in the Americas. Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses the fourth chapter about “the path to communion” and the role of the laity.

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