On Mission
Welcome to On Mission, a podcast by the Catholic Apostolate Center. Here you will find feature-length podcast episodes about various topics relevant to living as Catholics in today’s world. Each episode features discussion with Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. as they offer their unique perspectives and insights.
On Mission 87: Pilgrimages
In this episode of On Mission, Alex Cranstoun, Assistant to the Director of Pilgrimages and Communications Specialist at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., joins William Tishuk and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to discuss Alex’s work at the Basilica, planning pilgrimages to the Shrine, and how pilgrimages are distinct from a vacation or a trip and are an analogy of the pursuit of Heaven on the Earthly journey and are means by which the faithful experience God in a unique way through a departure, travel, a visit to a holy or devotional site, and the return to one’s every day life, having been transformed.
On Mission 86: Shrines
In this episode of On Mission, Alex Cranstoun, Assistant to the Director of Pilgrimages and Communications Specialist at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., joins William Tishuk and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to discuss Alex’s work at the Basilica and what role shrines play in popular devotion of the Church’s members and as sacred places, which can hold relics of saints, commemorate famous apparitions, and are where people can encounter Christ and his Church’s redeeming work through the sacraments, particularly, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
On Mission 85: Parents Introducing the Faith to Their Young Children
In this episode of On Mission, Tom Carani, collaborator with the Center, and William Tishuk, Production Associate with the Center, joins Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to discuss their experiences of introducing the Catholic Faith, beginning with Baptism, to even their youngest children by incorporating the Faith into everyday family experiences through the rhythms of the Liturgical Year, the Sacraments, Sunday Mass, personal witness, and daily prayers as well as the importance of community support--the village--and the particular witness of the Saints as one raises children.
On Mission 84: eFormation
In this episode of On Mission, Tom Carani, from Catholic Faith Technologies, and Jonathan Sitko, Director of Programs at the Center, joins Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to discuss Catholic online formation as a tool for individuals, parishes, and dioceses to share the Faith and the Gospel, to provide formation opportunities and courses to earn certifications for anyone all over the globe.
On Mission 83: Engaging Those Who are Not Connected With the Church
In this episode of On Mission, Deacon Mark Krejci from the Diocese of Crookston, Minnesota joins Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to discuss practical tips for accompanying friends and loved ones back into the Church.
On Mission 82: Parish Evangelization
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. are joined by Deacon Mark Krejci from the Diocese of Crookston to discuss missionary discipleship and accompaniment at the diocesan and parish levels.
On Mission 81: Spiritual Works of Mercy
In this episode of On Mission, as a companion to the Corporal Works of Mercy episode, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discuss the Spiritual Works of Mercy and offer some guidance for performing the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
On Mission 80: Corporal Works of Mercy
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discuss the Corporal Works of Mercy and how one can perform these acts of mercy amidst their daily lives.
On Mission 79: Advent Resources
In this episode of On Mission, Center colleague, Sarah Harrigan, Manager of Communications and Special Programs, joins Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to share about her work on new resources for Advent by the Catholic Apostolate Center.
On Mission 78: Thanksgiving and Faith
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. are joined again by Center colleague, Monica Thom Konschnik, Director of Administration, to reminisce about the Center’s growth in the past ten years and what has exceeded their expectations.
On Mission - Episode 77: 10th Anniversary Wrap Up
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. are joined again by Center colleague, Monica Thom Konschnik, Director of Administration, to reminisce about the Center’s growth in the past ten years and what has exceeded their expectations.
On Mission - Episode 76: Lay Missioners
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. are joined by Center colleague, Monica Thom Konschnik, Director of Administration and a member of the Board for the Catholic Volunteer Network, to discuss her experience in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and her work with the Catholic Volunteer Network.
On Mission - Episode 75: Eucharistic Revival: Diocesan Phase
In this episode of On Mission, Marilyn Santos, Associate Director of the Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, joins Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. to provide further details about the Diocesan Phase of the Eucharistic Revival and what it means for the Church in the United States and worldwide.
On Mission - Episode 74: Prayer, Work, and Life Balance
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discuss the challenges of making time for prayer in the midst of daily responsibilities and offer tips and advice for finding a balance.
On Mission - Episode 20: Social Media
In this recast episode of On Mission, originally published February 2020, from Twitter to Facebook, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., Chris Pierno, Kate Fowler, and special guest Connie Poulos talk about the importance of evangelization through social media.
On Mission - Episode 73: Extemporaneous Prayer
In this episode of On Mission, Kate Fowler, Chris Pierno, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discuss what it means to pray extemporaneously and how it can be incorporated into daily prayer.
On Mission is produced by the Catholic Apostolate Center. Follow the Center on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to remain up-to-date on the latest Center resources.