Young Saints

In this episode of On Mission, Sarah Harrigan Scalfaro and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. are joined by Brian Rhude, Project Coordinator at the Catholic Apostolate Center, to discuss the lives and witness of young saints like Bl. Carlo Acutis, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frasatti, and Bl. Chiara Badano.

In this episode of On Mission, Sarah Harrigan Scalfaro and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. are joined by Brian Rhude, Project Coordinator at the Catholic Apostolate Center, to discuss the lives and witness of young saints like Bl. Carlo Acutis, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frasatti, and Bl. Chiara Badano.

The unique witness of recent saints and historical saints who passed away at a young age provides all the faithful an example of how to persevere through difficulty and that all are called to follow Christ at any stage of life. They should inspire us to grow our relationship with Christ today.

Bl. Carlo Acutis was 15 years old when he died of leukemia in a hospital in Monza, Italy in 2006. Carlo is remembered as a normal, joyful teenager who strived to be the best version of himself, living the ordinary in an extraordinary way. Carlo was generous to the poor of his community, many of whom came to pay their respects at his funeral. Carlo's passion for the Eucharist ultimately led to his mother's conversion. Two quotes epitomize the holiness of Carlo in his young life: "each person reflects the light of God" and “sadness is looking at oneself, happiness is looking at God. Conversion is nothing but a movement of the eyes." -Bl. Carlo Acutis

Bl. Chiara Badano was born in Italy in 1971. At nine years old, she became actively involved with her faith, joining a local community in hoping to grow in faith. In her teenage years she attended many retreats and other faith formation events, always hoping to grow closer to Christ throughout everyday life. She wished to deepen her relationship with Jesus in everything that she did, including normal teenage activities like dancing and tennis. When she was seventeen, she was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer. Even through the immense suffering she experienced during treatment, her focus remained on others, especially her parents, and on growing closer to Jesus. She died in 1990, just before her nineteenth birthday, and she is one of the patron saints of young people.

Some Saints Mentioned:

- Bl. Carlo Acutis

- Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

- St. Thérèse of Lisieux

- St. Kateri Tekakwitha

- Bl. Chiara Badano

- St. Joan of Arc

Related Episodes:

Bl. Carlo Acutis

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From the Ad Infinitum blog:

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