Marriage Part 1

In this episode of On Mission, Chris Pierno, Kate Fowler, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discuss the Vocation to the married life and the Sacrament of Marriage, one of the seven sacraments, and how it is a spiritual and physical bond between the man and wife where the two become one flesh for the good of the couple and the procreation of children.

They discuss in this episode the sacramental grace available to couples to draw from over the course of their marriage and the indissoluble nature of marriage. They make reference to the USCCB document Called to the Joy of Love is the national pastoral framework for marriage and family life ministry. In the Bible, Jesus and his mother Mary are present at the Wedding Feast at Cana and he turns the water into wine (John 2:1-12). With Jesus’ attendance, he blessed their union, and by coming to their aid when the wine ran out, he offered his support. The marriage of a man and wife symbolizes the love that Christ has for his Church.


Marriage and Family Resources by Catholic Apostolate Center

Vocational Discernment Resources.

Marriage on the Ad Infinitum blog.

Listen to Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on Called to the Joy of Love series.

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