Blogcast: Living Faith Through Missionary Discipleship
This blogcast explores “Living Faith Through Missionary Discipleship," written and read by Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.
“Living Faith Through Missionary Discipleship,” by Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.
In his blog post, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. discusses how the baptized provide a profound witness to Jesus Christ through their actions as missionary disciples. Young people, in particular, have a unique witness that can guide others along the path of faith. Fr. Frank discusses the need missionary disciples have to be accompanied by other missionary disciples. To assist in accompaning young adults, the Catholic Apostolate Center provides an online course, Introduction to Young Adult Ministry Course.
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Fr. Frank S. Donio, S.A.C., D.Min. is Founding Director of the Catholic Apostolate Center and a member of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottine Fathers and Brothers). He is also Executive Director of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men of the United States (CMSM).
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