On Mission 108: Finding Faith in Adolescence

In this episode of On Mission, Chris Pierno, Amy Cardin, and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., are joined by Sarah Harrigan, Assistant Director of Administration at the Catholic Apostolate Center, to discuss faith formation in their adolescent years.

The adolescent years are formational in a child’s faith journey. During this time a child may come to understand their faith as a significant part of their life and that they belong in the faith community. Youth group gives adolescents the opportunity to learn their faith and have faith experiences that help the faith take deep root. Having a common faith among young people allows the adolescents to bond on a deeper level and pilgrimages allow for tangible faith experiences that can help the faith feel real in adolescents lives, which may help the young people to feel as though they belong.

Related Episodes:

Parents Introducing the Faith to Young Children

Talking to Children About Suffering

Fatherhood: Teenagers and Young Adults


Click here for resources on New Evangelization

Synod on Young People

World Youth Day 2023

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On Mission 109: Podcast Evangelization


On Mission 107: Promoting the Good on Social Media